Geological Setting

Age and chemical similarities means most associate the Dolphin and Fort Knox intrusive rocks with the widespread intrusive-related gold deposits in the Tintina Gold Belt.

  • Sericite ages on two different samples from two distinctly different styles of gold mineralization.
  • Sample from stockwork style mineralization, - 90.1 Ma.
  • Sample from a sericite shear-zone - 88.3 Ma.
  • Both quite similar to ages from Fort Knox (86.3-88.2 Ma).

Three main rock units found throughout the property

  • Fairbanks Schist
  • Chatanika Terrane
  • intrusive rocks.

Both the Fairbanks Schist and Chatanika Terrane have been subjected to one or more periods of regional metamorphism. The intrusive bodies are post-metamorphism. Chatanika Terrane rocks lie structurally above the Fairbanks Schist and north of the Chatanika Thrust fault and comprise the northernmost portion of the property.

Intrusive rocks are relatively minor on the Property primarily - Dolphin.

Small granitic dikes are known in several locations.

Five intrusive phases within the Dolphin stock, including:

  • Fine- to medium-grained, equigranular to weakly porphyritic biotite granodiorite;
  • Fine- to medium-grained, equigranular to weakly porphyritic hornblende-biotite tonalite;
  • Fine-grained biotite granite porphyry;
  • Fine-grained biotite rhyolite to rhyodacite porphyry; and
  • Rare fine-grained, chlorite-altered mafic dike.